Imaging in 2020 VIII: Understanding Complex Biology using Molecular Imaging
September 30 to October 4, 2012
In Imaging in 2020: 2012, we will explore the use of molecular imaging to understand complex biology. New links between molecular imaging and systems biology will be developed. Understanding the biological systems at play in both normal and diseased physiology will play a critical role in the creation, monitoring and control of new, highly potent interventions.With new therapeutic technologies such as RNA interference, nanotherapeutics and stem cells entering the clinic, a more in depth understanding of underlying systems biology, that can only be attained through molecular imaging technology, is increasingly needed. Discussions will address imaging of complexity in single cells, imaging of system pharmacology, stem cells, imaging immunological systems, and the use of imaging and computational systems analysis.This year we will expand the diversity of the scientists that gather in Jackson Hole to include systems biologists and mathematicians that will benefit from applying imaging technologies to their specific disciplines.
- Lewis Chodosh – University of Pennsylvania
- John Condeelis – Albert Einstein College of Medicine
- Christopher Contag – Stanford University
- Gaudenz Danuser – Harvard Medical School
- Mark Ellisman – UC San Diego
- Ellen Feigal – Calif. Institute for Regenerative Medicine
- Andy Futreal – Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
- Robert Gillies – Moffitt Cancer Center
- Klaus Hahn – University of North Carolina
- Alex Huang – Case Western Reserve University
- Tim Mitchison – Harvard University Garry Nolan – Stanford University
- David Piwnica-Worms – Washington University St. Louis
- Helen Piwnica-Worms – Washington University St. Louis
- Jeremy Rich – Cleveland Clinic
- Dean Sherry – UT Southwestern
- Roger Tsien – UC San Diego
- David Van Essen – Washington University of St. Louis
- Alissa Weaver – Vanderbilt University
- Ralph Weissleder – MGH, Harvard Medical School
- Zena Werb – UCSF