Imaging in 2020 VII: Bridging Molecular Imaging and Therapy
September 18-22, 2011
Session 1: Imaging Biological Processes
Chair: Dan Sullivan, Duke University
Proteomic Imaging to Penetrate Key Biological Barriers in vivo
Jan Schnitzer, Proteogenomics Research Institute for Systems Medicine
How Far Have We Come on the Road to 2020?
Tom Meade, Northwestern University
Session 3: Imaging in Nanotechnology
Chair: Belinda Seto, National Institute on Biomedical Imaging & Bioengineering
Versatile Platform for Cancer Imaging and Therapy
Kit Lam, University of California, Davis
pH-Activatable On/Off Nanosystems for Cancer Imaging and Therapeutic Delivery
Jinming Gao, University of Texas Southwestern
Keynote Address
Molecular Imaging in Early Cancer Detection
Don Listwin, The Canary Foundation
Session 5: New Targets – Application in Therapeutics & Monitoring
Chair: Dean Sherry, University of Texas Southwestern
Theranostics for Oncology
Marty Pomper, Johns Hopkins University
Image-Guided Surgery using Near-Infrared Light
John Frangioni, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Session 7: Industry
Chair: Kathy Ferrara, University of California, Davis
Preclinical MRI – Paving the Way to 2020
Wolfgang Ruhm, Bruker BioSpin
Imaging Cancer Biomarkers
Daniel Bradley, Millennium
Quantitative Whole Body Biodistribution of Fluorescent-Labeled Agents by Non-Invasive Tomographic Imaging
Jeff Peterson, Perkin-Elmer
How to Identify and Quantify Specific Targeted Bubble Binding in Clinical Ultrasound Molecular Imaging: Lessons from Preclinical Imaging
Adrian Nunn, Bracco Research USA
Session 10: Imaging and New Contrast Mechanisms
Imaging Faster than the Speed of Light with Cerenkov Radiation
Simon Cherry, University of California, Davis
Transfer of Parahydrogen derived Spin Order Sensitizes MRI and NMR Measurements by Three Orders of Magnitude
Simon Duckett, University of York
Session 2: Epigenetics
Chair: Tom Aigner, National Institute on Drug Abuse
Visualization of Chromatin-modifying Enzymes with Positron Emission Tomography
Jacob Hooker, Massachusetts General Hospital
Approaches for Single Molecule Epigenetic Analysis
Harold Craighead, Cornell University
Session 4: Imaging and Cellular Therapy
Chair: Tom Meade, Northwestern University
Fluorescent and Nanoparticle Imaging Probes for Biological and Disease Studies
Gang Bao, Georgia Tech
Pluripotent Stem Cell Therapy: Insights from Molecular Imaging
Joseph Wu, Stanford University
Session 6: Imaging and siRNA
Chair: Angie Louie, University of California, Davis
RNA interference (RNAi): Challenges and Opportunities
John Rossi, City of Hope
New Strategies for Imaging and Treating Infectious Diseases and Oxidative Stress
Niren Murthy, Georgia Institute of Technology
Session 8: Imaging in Nanotechnology II
Chair: Kit Lam, University of California, Davis
Novel sn-2 Lipase Labile Prodrugs Optimize Drug Delivery
Greg Lanza, Washington University
Porphysomes: Intrinsically Theranostic Organic Nanophotonics
Gang Zheng, University of Toronto
Session 9: Imaging and Activatable Particles
Chair: Keyvan Farahani, National Cancer Institute
Image-Guided Drug Delivery
Matt Dreher, National Institutes of Health
MR Imaging of Drug Release from Temperature-Sensitive Liposomes
Sander Langereis, Philips Research
Session 11: Optical Imaging and Mass Spectometry
Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Oxidized Lipids
Hülya Bayir, University of Pittsburgh
Dual Colour Whole Body Optical Imaging and Other new Tools: Translation Into the Clinic
Clemens Lowik, Leiden University Medical Center